2016 m. rugsėjo 5 d., pirmadienis

Ford - business of cars that lasts for centuries

The history of Ford Motor Company starts in 1903. It's an American company was founded by Henry Ford. However, it is a world known company nowadays.

In the beginning of 20th century, automobile market was not so competitive, but Ford Motor Company must be treated with respect because during company's life cycle it survived several crises, including the Great Depression. Ford always had huge variety of products to offer. Sometimes company owned different brans (Example Lincoln, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Land Rover and so on) but Ford always had its own cars. Different models were popular in different regions of worlds.

Ford Raptor - impressive modern truck

Ford Motor Company doesn't look scared of competitors in 21 Century. Now you can find different car brand and different types to satisfy the most demanding costumers needs. But such products as Ford Explorer and Ford Raptor lets this company to stay on top. Aggressive and stylish look of modern Ford models makes them loved by customers and frightens competitors.

If you have a doubt if Ford cars worth attention, find the owner of one and ask his opinion. It will not be difficult while Ford Motor Company is the fifth largest automaker in the world.

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