2017 m. liepos 25 d., antradienis

Citroen DS – a car from the past with a charm in future

Citroën is a well - known French car brand. Those, who are interested in automobile industry knows that Citroën and Peugeot cars belongs to same PSA Peugeot Citroën group. Currently, the Peugeot branded cars are the leading products of PSA group. The sales in 2016 of Peugeot cars in Europe reached 865 374 units, and Citroën automobiles sales in 2016 were only 541 896. Does that mean Peugeot is more popular than Citroën? Probably yes. More charming? Probably not.

The last Peugeot car that was used for French President’s trips, was Peugeot 607. Later, it was changed by Citroën C6, DS5 and Emmanuel Macron uses DS7. So, we can see that tendencies are quite in a favor for Citroën models.

But if we try to answer question, what is the most well - known French automobile would be, I would consider to award a model from the past. It would be  Citroën DS. This model can be seen in old and even knew Hollywood or European movies. The price of used DS in a good condition can be more expensive than technologically advanced new car.

So, what is the key moments that makes this car so special? First of all, design. It was produced from 1955 to 1974, and its futuristic body looked and still looks like no other car. Despite design, it had many innovative technologies. It was the first car with disc brakes and of course hydropneumatics suspension. The car was almost 5 meters long, with all the gadgets included, it was a comfort car. No wonder the sales of DS cars reached more than 1 455 000 units. If you ever consider buying classic car,  Citroën DS would be way more interesting choice then Volkswagen Kaefer or Mini Cooper.

Some people say that car is only a tool, to travel from place A to place B, but some cars are greater, and owning them can be investment, can be hobby, can be restauration project.  Citroën DS is the car comprising all of these terms, and no wonder new  Citroën models comes with the name of DS3; DS4; DS5 and DS7.

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