2015 m. balandžio 17 d., penktadienis

Eco friendly transport can be also cool!

I am pretty sure that some of You have already seen this awesome thing on the web, but I'm pretty sure that some of You haven't (and this post is for You my friends :) ). Thit THING is SCROOSER!
Here You can check few photos I got for You, but if You willing to know more I would recommend to check official web page http://scrooser.com .
Scrooser did catch my attention from the first time i saw it. How ever I have never been really in to saving planet ideas by using electric vehicles or something like that. Why? Because I never thought PRIUS looks cool :)
I also find bicycles useful but this transport can't be chosen for going to business meeting because of physical force needed. The first impression would be really sad if You meet Your new partner all in sweat.
The second option for eco friendly transport is Segway, in fact it's quiet well known in Lithuania and has a good practical usage, but does it look cool? Not really sure, maybe stylish but not cool.
- SEGWAY = Stylish --> Eco friendly --> Not cool;
- SCROOSER = Stylish --> Eco friendly --> Cool & Awesome ;) 
Cruise in style my friends!


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