2015 m. balandžio 3 d., penktadienis

Positive actions in politics should be considered more often

     Most of former USSR countries have politics, that act like very powerful persons who do not make mistakes, who can make decisions on their own and can handle very well without family or any other help. For example Vladimir Putin (Russian President) got divorced with his wife. Dalia Grybauskaitė (Lithuanian President) not married. Alexander Lukashenko (Belorussian President) is a single father. All of these politics are strong politics, but i rather choose politics who are down to earth and not showing strictness and arrogance.
    Sadly Lithuanian politics not yet (or maybe people not ready for this type of politics) ready for being just a humans, who would announce about making mistakes or talking about their daily life and problems.
     peaceful solutions such as:
Believe me or not, but this is a good example of politic :)
I do admire Antanas Mockus, former Mayer of Bogota (Colombia). What I like most about him, is a creativity in solving problems with a
   - Mimes, who were used instead of policemen trying to lower amount of people who died in the traffic;
   - Volunteer taxes;
   - Presents for people who brought their guns to municipality and even kids who brought their toy guns to municipality were given peaceful toys.
     It's only a few positive actions made by Antanas Mockus, You can easily browse on the internet and get more information about this.
     I think You have heard people saying that evil give birth to evil and i think only positive politic can handle cities or countries effectively, only this type of politics can leave people satisfied with their work.
     Why do Lithuanian politics try to control every move You make? Drinking alcohol in public has been banned, but instead of lowering amount of used alcohol people began to drink even more :o Do You think domestic alcoholism is better when having a few bottles of beer in Public? Drinking at home gives You possibility not to worry about how You will get home, so You can drink even more. Worst thing of alcoholism at home is that small kids will see all this bad behavior of their parents. All the state-owned enterprises act like they were established not for consulting, but for punishing (however they punish people and companies who pay taxes and that is where they get budget for functioning). These people are cold public servants, but their actions shows that public serves for them. And that is because often politics helps party members to get the job in state-owned enterprises and usually this type of people are not specialists. This irresponsibility will harm future of cities and country, no loyalty can be expected in this type of ruling country. What is the point of being loyal to Your homeland if You feel foreign in it?
     Hope more and more politics will understand that it is their duty to serve people but not to serve a small circle of chosen!

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