2014 m. sausio 1 d., trečiadienis

Movie Vs book, whitch is better!

     OK, so You have some free time and willing to relax. Good mood is a key to success so You have to spend your time wisely. 
     Let's imagine, You have two options 1. Read a book; 2. Watch a movie.
    Why do i compare these two activities? Books used to be read very frequently in the past, but after technologies improved, different type of movies were made in film industry. Now You can watch horror films, science fiction, romantic, comedies, different tales. Also most of successful novels has the screening.
    So i will write some advantages and disadvantages that are based on my own opinion.
Advantages of book:
1. The characters are not visualized, so if You have a good imagination, then You certainly going to like characters;
2. You can find more detailed story in books, rather than movies;
3.  You can read book from for example 15 minutes per day, till 8 or even 10 hours per day. Time spent reading books depends on Your own will.
4. You can repeat different chapters if You didn't understand them, or You can simply move to chapter witch You want to specify.
Disadvantages of books:
1. You need a lot of time to finish reading a book (compared to movie).
2. Expensive.
3. Special effects (Nahh... can't complain my imagination :) )

Advantages of movies:
1. Takes a little time.
2. You can be a fan of some actor and only because of him or his acting skill You are going to like some stories (respect to actors, really hard profession).
3. Realistic special effects (If You watch movie about something You don't understand, visualization can make information much more common).
Disadvantages of movies:
1. Acting of actors can be disappointing.
2. Stories can be not detailed.
3. It's not that easy moving from one chapter to other (if You didn't understand some parts);
4. Plenty of illegal movies are on the internet, so if You download films illegally, You support criminal activity.

     On the end i can say that You decide what advantages and disadvantages suits better for You, but this evening I'm certainly going to grab a book! 

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