2014 m. sausio 11 d., šeštadienis

Exercise as a habit

    So we often hear that we should live a healthy life. It's recommended to eat healthy food, avoid drugs and alcohol and of course EXERCISE.
Mila - Akita Inu puppy
    Don't know how about You guys, but i find it hard to make daily trainings as habit. For me it's more like daily routine (except first month) and I don't really care how sexy women and girls go to the gym, after some time of period i really get pissed training in the gym.
    Now I have some activity that really makes me walk and run every day, not for once, but for several times. And this activity is walking with a dog :) . Recently I bought Akita - Inu dog, witch I  named Mila. While Mila at the moment is a young dog and outdoor it's quiet cool, usually my little fellow sleeps in my room. If You don't wake up early and not going for a walk, You will simply find a present for You, witch of course should be cleaned and You are not willing to get :) .
    I really hope later on I and Mila going to increase the distances of walking and running, hope my dog to be in a best physical form.
     If You have any secret ways of making trainings as a routine, hope You share this secret with others.

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