2014 m. sausio 6 d., pirmadienis

Manipulation of motivation

    Okey, so today i decided to write about some people that try to manipulate Your motivation to do some kind of job that gives most benefits to them.
     First group that manipulates most is government, for example in Lithuania most of local municipality have some problems with clarity and effectiveness. You can find plenty of information about hiring not specialists, but friends, relatives and so on. And all this stuff is cool for me till the job is done, but not in governmental companies. This kind of system forces system to run ineffectively and after that politics stands against crowd and blames people who by illegal fuel, cigarets and other stuff and do not pay taxes. Come on... They want people to be loyal to country and find self motivation to stick to the rules, but ignore illegal things government do! And that is absurd.
     Most employers want their employee to be motivated. Than an employee is motivated, he might do more jobs than he actually should. After all you get a reward "good job!". However not much can be bought for "good job", after You go through cash desk in shop try not to pay but say "good items" and You will see how it ends.
    Just as for all the items must be payed, for all kind of job also You need to be rewarded.
    And another funny thing I’ve met in Lithuanian businessmen. They really like innovative things, and willing this for their companies, but thinking that they can get some service not paying for it is stupid. And the argument was "you should be proud of working with our company" sounds a bit silly in nowadays. Hello there, you can be proud of partnership but not of slavery, and that what it is, than it's not payed for some services and products.
     So guys, wish You be self motivated for things that really drives You and be careful, don't let anybody manipulate Your kindness or passion. You should stop any unprofitable activity when it's not fun anymore and only delights others.     

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