2015 m. balandžio 17 d., penktadienis

Eco friendly transport can be also cool!

I am pretty sure that some of You have already seen this awesome thing on the web, but I'm pretty sure that some of You haven't (and this post is for You my friends :) ). Thit THING is SCROOSER!
Here You can check few photos I got for You, but if You willing to know more I would recommend to check official web page http://scrooser.com .
Scrooser did catch my attention from the first time i saw it. How ever I have never been really in to saving planet ideas by using electric vehicles or something like that. Why? Because I never thought PRIUS looks cool :)
I also find bicycles useful but this transport can't be chosen for going to business meeting because of physical force needed. The first impression would be really sad if You meet Your new partner all in sweat.
The second option for eco friendly transport is Segway, in fact it's quiet well known in Lithuania and has a good practical usage, but does it look cool? Not really sure, maybe stylish but not cool.
- SEGWAY = Stylish --> Eco friendly --> Not cool;
- SCROOSER = Stylish --> Eco friendly --> Cool & Awesome ;) 
Cruise in style my friends!


2015 m. balandžio 3 d., penktadienis

Positive actions in politics should be considered more often

     Most of former USSR countries have politics, that act like very powerful persons who do not make mistakes, who can make decisions on their own and can handle very well without family or any other help. For example Vladimir Putin (Russian President) got divorced with his wife. Dalia Grybauskaitė (Lithuanian President) not married. Alexander Lukashenko (Belorussian President) is a single father. All of these politics are strong politics, but i rather choose politics who are down to earth and not showing strictness and arrogance.
    Sadly Lithuanian politics not yet (or maybe people not ready for this type of politics) ready for being just a humans, who would announce about making mistakes or talking about their daily life and problems.
     peaceful solutions such as:
Believe me or not, but this is a good example of politic :)
I do admire Antanas Mockus, former Mayer of Bogota (Colombia). What I like most about him, is a creativity in solving problems with a
   - Mimes, who were used instead of policemen trying to lower amount of people who died in the traffic;
   - Volunteer taxes;
   - Presents for people who brought their guns to municipality and even kids who brought their toy guns to municipality were given peaceful toys.
     It's only a few positive actions made by Antanas Mockus, You can easily browse on the internet and get more information about this.
     I think You have heard people saying that evil give birth to evil and i think only positive politic can handle cities or countries effectively, only this type of politics can leave people satisfied with their work.
     Why do Lithuanian politics try to control every move You make? Drinking alcohol in public has been banned, but instead of lowering amount of used alcohol people began to drink even more :o Do You think domestic alcoholism is better when having a few bottles of beer in Public? Drinking at home gives You possibility not to worry about how You will get home, so You can drink even more. Worst thing of alcoholism at home is that small kids will see all this bad behavior of their parents. All the state-owned enterprises act like they were established not for consulting, but for punishing (however they punish people and companies who pay taxes and that is where they get budget for functioning). These people are cold public servants, but their actions shows that public serves for them. And that is because often politics helps party members to get the job in state-owned enterprises and usually this type of people are not specialists. This irresponsibility will harm future of cities and country, no loyalty can be expected in this type of ruling country. What is the point of being loyal to Your homeland if You feel foreign in it?
     Hope more and more politics will understand that it is their duty to serve people but not to serve a small circle of chosen!

2015 m. kovo 26 d., ketvirtadienis

Citizen. Can vote or has to vote in elections?

     In democratic countries citizens can vote during local governments, parliaments or Presidents elections. Politics usually say that it is citizens duty to take part in elections, because society must take responsibility for things that happens in their country (In my case - Lithuania, while i live here) by choosing right politics. But can we name elections fully democratic? Can Your vote change political situation or maybe elections are only an option (Vote if You want, or don't vote at all)?
Plenty of people were arrested and suffered injuries during rally in 2009. Democracy? 
For example in Lithuania there are lot's of political parties and they give rankings to their members (usually loyal, but not competent), and people who are 18+ during voting time can give ranks to politics, but if you leave empty gaps in place there you should rank politics, it means your votes goes to political parties members who are highly ranked. And this is the key moment that helps politics that are criticized to stay on top! How can 70+ years old people give rankings if they have vision problems? (I think it's normal to have vision problems when You are old). They can't be helped by volunteers or any other because of possibility to influence their choice. I have participated as a volunteer once (who watched if elections goes without breaking laws) and saw that plenty of old people came to vote and they were not available to read the list of political parties members . That means choosing a political party is the main challenge for them but choosing politic is almost impossible. So You can be too young to vote, but never too old, because old people make "right" decisions by leaving empty gaps and giving (not directly) votes to leaders of political parties. I am not against old people voting, but if voting on the internet would be possible, relatives could help parents or grand parents to vote, and not only more votes  would be received, but it also would be quality votes in elections. I know that politics says that internet voting is not secure, but during local governments voting in Lithuania (2015) there were plenty of violations. In fact in some regions voting results has been canceled. The possibility to cheat exists in real life and also internet, but if people will have more options to vote, more motivation they will have to participate in elections.
     I have discussed several problems with voting (political parties ranking, only real voting possibility) but to conclude i would say that in democratic country should not be used "HAS TO", only "CAN TO", because everything in free society should happen by free will, and if You don't see right politics, You can simply go to the pub and drink beer instead of going to elections. It's Your choice that has to be respected in real democracy.