2013 m. gruodžio 30 d., pirmadienis

Rituals of success

     Today i decided to write my opinion about crazy stuff we do to attract success.
   I've heard and read some funny things sportsmen do before important games. Here  are some examples:
- Wear dirty socks (fuuuuu....);
- During the game wear underwear reverse way;
- Sleep before night with Teddy bear;
- Avoid sex (Ok sex can actually take to much of Your energy :) )
- Wear different shoes and so on.
     So why do we need this. None of these actions actually influence sports players game physically. For example if You decide to drink beer before the game, You will probably influence Your activity negative way (alcohol influences our reaction, movement speed, coordination), but rituals of success people do mostly will not influence anything, unless it will help us mentally! 
     So can we attract success? I guess the answer not in teddy bears and dirty socks, the answer is in our faith, witch is closely connected to what and how we desire our goals and achievements!

2013 m. gruodžio 26 d., ketvirtadienis

If it ain't from the heart than it can't be art

    OK, so we all agree that music is one of the best cures from depression and bad mood.
    You can be addicted to music beat, artist, style of music or lyrics.
     I'm the one who adores good lyrics and nowadays i think not many artist can compete with Eminem at lyrics.
      But I’m quite sure that not all of You have heard song of Everlast - Whitey and the lyrics of this song absolutely reflects my worlds outlook. 
     I often use the expression from this song "If it ain't from the heart than it can't be art", but i truly recommend to listen to this song, who knows, You might get Your own favourite phrase from this song.  

2013 m. gruodžio 25 d., trečiadienis

One of the best movies!

    Today I decided to write about one of the best movies I have ever seen.This movie doesn't really need an advertisement and I am pretty sure most of You have seen it. The movie that I’m talking about is "Forrest Gump".
   The story is talking about weak, naive and not very intelligent person who's life period takes time from 1944 - 1982 (More information  about this film can be found here).
Forrest Gump - 1994
    I think Tom Hanks played one of the best roles in "Forrest Gump", and this film is absolutely irreplaceable during hard times of Your life! Sometimes You don't want to read motivating books, listen to stupid audio books about someones stories of success, but the movie can be just the right tool fixing Your motivation.
    The point is that this film should always remind you, strength of physical body can't stand a chance versus strength of Your will. Some people are born with talents in some activities but because of hearing how successful they are going to be with this type of talent, they will simply wastes it. And others seems not to have right characteristic, but people's negative opinion motivates them that much that after hard work they will show great results that will surprise all the sceptics.      
    If you want to succeed, talent is not enough, You also need to have faith in yourself and will. 

2013 m. gruodžio 24 d., antradienis

Be oriented to process, not only result!

     Sometimes people think they truly want something, but actually they don't.
   If we talk about business, most of people would say that their aim is to own business, not many people would say that they would like to work on their own. And that is the main problem, everybody agrees that owning a business will let you travel on vocation every year, drive new cars and live in a fancy house, but the reality is a lot more different. 
   If you work on your own you'll simply have to solve more simple problems than owning a big company, and until you will be available to hire experts you will have to work much more than in any job.
     On my opinion people usually are not motivated to take some action because they only oriented to goal, not process. So if you planning to start doing something, choose activities that you love. If you won't get result you was expecting, you will at least get some useful experience.
     I guess sports illustrates best that you have to enjoy process, not result. I truly hate fans that love their sports club only while they're winning.
    When i was a young child (1994) i watched football world cup’s finals Italy Vs Brazil. My favourite player was Roberto Baggio who played in Italian team. The game was absolutely awesome and reached penalty kicks. The pressure was on R. Baggio and he missed the penalty kick.  Sure i was sad Italian team lost, but did the result make this game less interesting? Sure not. I just simply enjoyed the game, loved and still admire how R. Baggio played, and his gameplay makes me still love football more than any other sports (In Lithuania basketball si No. 1 sport)!
     Enjoy the process, not the result.

2013 m. gruodžio 23 d., pirmadienis

The idea of this blog

Hey guys,

     The idea of creating this blog is to share some things, events and experience that influenced or shaped the attitudes to my life or to give my opinion on important events happening in different places.
     I must say more and more often we can see people talking about their own stories of success and the main idea of this is to encourage others to seek their dreams, goals and aims of life.
    However motivation can not only be good, it also can be negative. For example to steel or do other bad things.
   So different things in different time and different places works different! What motivates one person can simply not work for others so the first thing what i'm going to do is write some information about myself.
    My name is Vilmantas and my nationality is Lithuanian. I was born in 1985-04-24 in USSR (territory of Lithuania, but Lithuania got independent only in 1990). I live in city of Šiauliai and it has population of about 110 000 people. I've studied economics and has worked in such sectors as waste management, wholesale trade of chemicals, insurance, accounting and voluntary work. My hobbies are IT, cars, passive forms of leisure (such as bath houses, barbequing and so on.), pets (i have a dog Mila, Akita-Inu).
     I think the main information is clear and knowing my age, place of living and hobbies will let You understand me better. If You have any cool stories or videos that motivates you, you can simply write hear in comment, connect to me via e-mail. (vilmantas@virvita.lt), facebook or +google. You are available to find this information in contacts.